Diff Report
Run #52d3e8415aec3: XHProf Run (Namespace=drupal-perf-cottser)
Run #52d3e812c7cf2: XHProf Run (Namespace=drupal-perf-cottser)
Click a function name below to drill down.

Regression/Improvement summary for Drupal::config

Drupal::configRun #52d3e8415aec3Run #52d3e812c7cf2DiffDiff%
Number of Function Calls27 27 0 0.0%
Incl. Wall Time (microsec)4,602 4,610 8 0.2%
Incl. Wall Time (microsec) per call 170 171 0 0.2%
Excl. Wall Time (microsec)134 129 -5 -3.7%
Incl. CPU (microsecs)3,475 3,486 11 0.3%
Incl. CPU (microsecs) per call 129 129 0 0.3%
Excl. CPU (microsec)107 107 0 0.0%
Incl. MemUse (bytes)80,200 80,200 0 0.0%
Incl. MemUse (bytes) per call 2,970 2,970 0 0.0%
Excl. MemUse (bytes)19,456 19,456 0 0.0%
Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes)123,472 123,472 0 0.0%
Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes) per call 4,573 4,573 0 0.0%
Excl. PeakMemUse (bytes)3,072 3,072 0 0.0%

Parent/Child Regression/Improvement report for Drupal::config [View Callgraph Diff]

Function NameCalls DiffCalls
Incl. Wall
Incl. CPU Diff
Current Function
Drupal::config0 N/A% 8 6.8% 11 9.8% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Exclusive Metrics Diff for Current Function-5 -62.5% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Parent functions
drupal_get_user_timezone0 N/A% -42 -525.0% -15 -136.4% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
_drupal_bootstrap_code0 N/A% 22 275.0% 13 118.2% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
_drupal_bootstrap_page_cache0 N/A% 17 212.5% 9 81.8% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
system_stream_wrappers0 N/A% 11 137.5% 4 36.4% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
node_admin_paths0 N/A% -8 -100.0% -3 -27.3% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
menu_main_menu0 N/A% 5 62.5% 3 27.3% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
color_preprocess_page0 N/A% 4 50.0% 2 18.2% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
system_run_automated_cron0 N/A% 3 37.5% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
theme_get_setting0 N/A% 3 37.5% 2 18.2% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
drupal_pre_render_styles0 N/A% -2 -25.0% -1 -9.1% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime::__construct0 N/A% -1 -12.5% -2 -18.2% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
forum_menu_local_tasks0 N/A% -1 -12.5% -1 -9.1% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Drupal\user\Plugin\Block\UserLoginBlock::build0 N/A% -1 -12.5% 1 9.1% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
drupal_pre_render_scripts0 N/A% -1 -12.5% -1 -9.1% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
color_css_alter0 N/A% -1 -12.5% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\FinishResponseSubscriber::onRespond0 N/A% 0 0.0% -1 -9.1% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
drupal_is_front_page0 N/A% 0 0.0% 1 9.1% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
bartik_preprocess_page0 N/A% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
drupal_match_path0 N/A% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
menu_secondary_menu0 N/A% 0 0.0% -1 -9.1% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
template_preprocess_page0 N/A% 0 0.0% 1 9.1% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
template_preprocess_html0 N/A% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Child functions
Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactory::get0 N/A% 15 187.5% 18 163.6% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\Container::get0 N/A% -2 -25.0% -6 -54.5% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\Container::get@80 N/A% 0 0.0% -1 -9.1% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%