Diff Report
Run #52e4a1fd8a982: XHProf Run (Namespace=drupal-perf-drupalcon)
Run #52e4a1c03557c: XHProf Run (Namespace=drupal-perf-drupalcon)
Click a function name below to drill down.

Regression/Improvement summary for call_user_func_array

call_user_func_arrayRun #52e4a1fd8a982Run #52e4a1c03557cDiffDiff%
Number of Function Calls42 42 0 0.0%
Incl. Wall Time (microsec)51,050 51,137 87 0.2%
Incl. Wall Time (microsec) per call 1,215 1,218 2 0.2%
Excl. Wall Time (microsec)203 207 4 2.0%
Incl. CPU (microsecs)48,626 48,728 102 0.2%
Incl. CPU (microsecs) per call 1,158 1,160 2 0.2%
Excl. CPU (microsec)199 208 9 4.5%
Incl. MemUse (bytes)4,846,032 4,846,032 0 0.0%
Incl. MemUse (bytes) per call 115,382 115,382 0 0.0%
Excl. MemUse (bytes)48,272 48,272 0 0.0%
Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes)5,030,136 5,030,136 0 0.0%
Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes) per call 119,765 119,765 0 0.0%
Excl. PeakMemUse (bytes)12,504 12,504 0 0.0%

Parent/Child Regression/Improvement report for call_user_func_array [View Callgraph Diff]

Function NameCalls DiffCalls
Incl. Wall
Incl. CPU Diff
Current Function
call_user_func_array0 N/A% 87 21.8% 102 27.3% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Exclusive Metrics Diff for Current Function4 4.6% 9 8.8% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Parent functions
Drupal\Core\Template\RenderWrapper::render0 N/A% 103 118.4% 89 87.3% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
drupal_get_form0 N/A% 63 72.4% 57 55.9% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler::invokeAll0 N/A% -49 -56.3% -42 -41.2% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel::handleRaw0 N/A% -40 -46.0% -11 -10.8% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
_drupal_render_process_post_render_cache0 N/A% 3 3.4% 3 2.9% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container::leaveScope0 N/A% 2 2.3% 3 2.9% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
drupal_process_attached0 N/A% 1 1.1% 1 1.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Twig_Environment::initGlobals0 N/A% 1 1.1% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher::sortListeners0 N/A% 1 1.1% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader::getPrefixes0 N/A% 1 1.1% 1 1.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler::invoke0 N/A% 1 1.1% 1 1.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Child functions
drupal_get_css0 N/A% 141 162.1% 123 120.6% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Drupal\Core\Form\FormBuilder::getForm0 N/A% 63 72.4% 55 53.9% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Drupal\Core\Controller\HtmlPageController::content0 N/A% -40 -46.0% -13 -12.7% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
system_stream_wrappers0 N/A% -40 -46.0% -33 -32.4% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
drupal_get_js0 N/A% -31 -35.6% -32 -31.4% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
node_admin_paths0 N/A% -6 -6.9% -5 -4.9% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
drupal_get_html_head0 N/A% -6 -6.9% -6 -5.9% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Drupal\system\Controller\SystemController::setLinkActiveClass0 N/A% 2 2.3% 1 1.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
drupal_add_html_head_link0 N/A% 2 2.3% 2 2.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
filter_library_info0 N/A% 1 1.1% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\ApcClassLoader::loadClass0 N/A% 1 1.1% 1 1.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
system_theme_suggestions_html0 N/A% -1 -1.1% -1 -1.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
block_theme_suggestions_block0 N/A% -1 -1.1% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
user_admin_paths0 N/A% -1 -1.1% -1 -1.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
system_theme_suggestions_page0 N/A% -1 -1.1% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
node_block_access0 N/A% -1 -1.1% 1 1.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
system_theme_suggestions_region0 N/A% 1 1.1% 1 1.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
block_admin_paths0 N/A% 0 0.0% -1 -1.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
custom_block_admin_paths0 N/A% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
system_admin_paths0 N/A% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
taxonomy_admin_paths0 N/A% 0 0.0% 1 1.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%
shortcut_admin_paths0 N/A% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 N/A%