Diff Report
Run #52c96dcbc5e6a: XHProf Run (Namespace=drupal-perf-cottser)
Run #52c96d7c36f9e: XHProf Run (Namespace=drupal-perf-cottser)
Click a function name below to drill down.

Regression/Improvement summary for Drupal::moduleHandler

Drupal::moduleHandlerRun #52c96dcbc5e6aRun #52c96d7c36f9eDiffDiff%
Number of Function Calls596 596 0 0.0%
Incl. Wall Time (microsec)7,035 7,039 4 0.1%
Incl. Wall Time (microsec) per call 12 12 0 0.1%
Excl. Wall Time (microsec)1,333 1,333 0 0.0%
Incl. CPU (microsecs)7,445 7,492 47 0.6%
Incl. CPU (microsecs) per call 12 13 0 0.6%
Excl. CPU (microsec)1,289 1,332 43 3.3%
Incl. MemUse (bytes)175,296 175,296 0 0.0%
Incl. MemUse (bytes) per call 294 294 0 0.0%
Excl. MemUse (bytes)47,728 47,728 0 0.0%
Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes)171,872 171,472 -400 -0.2%
Incl. PeakMemUse (bytes) per call 288 288 -1 -0.2%
Excl. PeakMemUse (bytes)7,080 7,032 -48 -0.7%

Parent/Child Regression/Improvement report for Drupal::moduleHandler [View Callgraph Diff]

Function NameCalls DiffCalls
Incl. Wall
Incl. CPU Diff
Current Function
Drupal::moduleHandler0 N/A% 4 0.5% 47 3.1% 0 0.0% -400 -0.4%
Exclusive Metrics Diff for Current Function0 0.0% 43 91.5% 0 N/A% -48 -12.0%
Parent functions
drupal_alter0 N/A% 14 350.0% 32 68.1% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
theme0 N/A% -8 -200.0% 2 4.3% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
_drupal_bootstrap_code0 N/A% -7 -175.0% -5 -10.6% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
theme@10 N/A% 6 150.0% 7 14.9% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageControllerBase::postLoad0 N/A% -5 -125.0% -13 -27.7% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
theme@30 N/A% 3 75.0% 8 17.0% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
theme@20 N/A% -2 -50.0% 4 8.5% 0 N/A% -400 -100.0%
module_invoke_all0 N/A% 2 50.0% 2 4.3% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
drupal_prepare_page0 N/A% -1 -25.0% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
menu_local_tasks0 N/A% 1 25.0% 2 4.3% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
language_list0 N/A% 1 25.0% 2 4.3% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
rdf_get_namespaces0 N/A% 0 0.0% 1 2.1% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
theme@40 N/A% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
path_get_admin_paths0 N/A% 0 0.0% 2 4.3% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
_block_get_renderable_region0 N/A% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
module_exists0 N/A% 0 0.0% -1 -2.1% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
field_attach_form0 N/A% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
Drupal\Core\Session\UserSession::getUsername0 N/A% 0 0.0% 1 2.1% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
file_get_stream_wrappers0 N/A% 0 0.0% -1 -2.1% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
module_invoke0 N/A% 0 0.0% 1 2.1% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
drupal_get_filename0 N/A% 0 0.0% -1 -2.1% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
Drupal\node\Entity\Node::prepareLangcode0 N/A% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
element_info0 N/A% 0 0.0% -1 -2.1% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
l0 N/A% 0 0.0% 5 10.6% 0 N/A% 0 0.0%
Child function
Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\Container::get0 N/A% 4 100.0% 4 8.5% 0 N/A% -352 -88.0%